Thursday, April 28, 2016

What I've Learned

Writing a blog has honestly been one of the most terrifying, freeing things that I've allowed myself to do. I've learned a lot about myself through this experience and what I'm capable of writing. It can be scary sharing your opinions and thoughts, but it's a great idea in the end because you can make a difference and inspire other people to help make a change where we need it the most.

For anybody who's scared of writing or putting their thoughts out there, I have something to tell you. Stop being afraid! Nothing is going to change if you're afraid. No one is going to hear your voice if you're afraid. And trust me, your voice is worth hearing.

And so now I leave you with a link to the inspiring person that helped me learn to speak my mind.

And I hope someday you will too!


  1. Love the layout of the blog post and like the blog! I also really love the gif you used, I love high school musical! Is it weird that a 20 year old still watches it?

  2. I agree with your sentiment. we are all unique individuals and everyone has something to say. You should feel free to express yourself and share your individuality with the world.
