Sunday, February 28, 2016

Women and the Draft

Feminists, buckle your seatbelts. You’re in for a helluva bumpy ride as the true devotion of your beliefs are tested with this new and impending question our government is now facing: Should Women Be Required To Register For The Draft?

That’s right. It’s like all those white, fat, anti feminist politicians are laughing in our faces. You want equality? Well here’s your equality ladies.

That’s probably a little stereotypical of me to say, but as a feminist myself, I’m tired of being put in that little confining box full of negative connotation that society seems to want to ALWAYS place us feminists in. It’s tiring, really.

Let me start by saying that as a feminist, I believe in the social equality of both men and women. I DO NOT believe that women should hold MORE power than men NOR should we expect more privileges or rights than men. HOWEVER, I do realize that men and women are completely different genders, and both have specific needs, traits, and skills that the other does not.

Now that the air is clear, ladies, let’s talk about the lovely gift of equality that has just been thrust upon our laps. We might soon be required to sign up for a chance to maybe possibly be forced into warfare, just like the boys do. How absolutely terrific is that?!

Personally, I honestly think it’s a fair idea. Especially since I’m always advocating for social equality between men and women. I’m not gonna be one of THOSE feminists. I get that we have to take the bad parts to get to the good parts. I mean sure, the thought of being thrust into war (or war in general) makes me terrified beyond belief. But don’t you think some guys feel the same way about it too?

That being said, I can also see the other side of it.
Let me explain.

Men and women are different creatures. (Remember, I established that earlier?) We’re built differently, wired differently, and have different skill sets than one another. It’s just biology, and there’s nothing anybody can do to change that. Men, for example, are better built for strength and combative physical activity. Now I’m not saying women aren’t capable of doing these things, I’m just saying that men are scientifically more fit to do it. Like women are more scientifically fit to do other things.

But let’s take me for example. I’m naturally really thin and tall. I struggle to gain any weight at all, let alone muscle mass. I wouldn’t last a week in the military. I could just see them telling me to drop and give them twenty and I would just stand there in disbelief with my mouth gaping open. “Dude! Do you SEE these arms?! Do you think I’m physically capable of doing twenty consecutive pushups? I can barely do five, let alone twenty. COME ON NOW!”

I’m sure that’d go over real well with them.
But we also can’t ignore the fact that women bear children. They’re the primary caretakers of their children. And the younger the children are, the more dependent they are on their mothers. That’s not to say that the fathers can’t properly take care of their children. It’s definitely not unheard of. But women are physically better equipped to take care of their kids. And then couple that with that whole Postpartum Depression issue they have to deal with. That can make for some pretty rough military situations.

Both sides make sense, and I can see extreme feelings that people have towards one or the other, all of which are totally warranted. I guess it’s just a matter of time until we find out which idea makes the most sense.

So what do you think ladies? Are you totally prepared to be drafted? Or is that a little too much equality you were hoping to obtain?

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