Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hey There

Hey You!
Yeah You
The one with the glasses.
The one without the glasses.
The boy in the front.
The girl in the back. 
The one with the long hair.
The one with the blue t-shirt.
Listen Up!
This is important.

Your voice and your opinions. Do they matter? Does the world even listen? Does the world even care?

Maybe not. Probably not. 
But one person does. Maybe two or three. Maybe a hundred. Maybe a million.

Sometimes all it takes is for one person to say something that inspires something else, and it changes the world. That's what I want to do. I'm sure that's what you want to do too.

It's hard sometimes. We get scared. We worry about what others will think of us. I do it. You do it, Every single person in the world does it too.

Not everybody is going to like you. Not everyone is going to understand you. You know what? Screw em.

My goal is to prove to you (and myself) that your opinions DO matter and that they can inspire others and change the world. Through my blog, I hope that I can at least make someone feel like they're not the only ones out there with a certain opinion.

Your voice is your weapon. Fight for what you believe in, 

And if this isn't the closest thing to a literary Braveheart speech you've ever heard, well I'm sorry but you're wrong.


  1. Ahah I like this a lot! So many people have inspired me by their words and actions. The things you say and the things you do could impact millions or it could impact one. You never know when someone is watching you. What do you want them to see? Could you be an inspiration to them? Could you help them along their path of life? You'll never know.

  2. Hey it's Molly from class! I absolutely loved this post! It's fantastic! I agree with you that I think a lot of people are so focused on what others think, that they put aside their own happiness. Not everyone is gonna like you. It's just the way it is. Great post! Plus the Brave Heart reference was great!
