Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Rupi Kaur

For you to see beauty here
does not mean
there is beauty in me
it means there is beauty rooted
so deep within you
you can’t help but
see it everywhere
-Rupi Kaur

May I present to you the badass literary bitch that is Rupi Kaur.

As an aspiring writer, I feel it should be my duty to study and learn as many great classics as I possibly can. Anybody who knows me is aware of my possibly  unhealthy obsession with the works of Jane Austen. And Robert Frost? Don't get me started on Robert Frost.
But through it all, sometimes I forget that modern authors can be just as great as classical ones. I was reminded of that this Sunday when one of my closest friends shoved a copy of Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur into my lap on the way home from Indianapolis.

I humored her because I knew she wasn't going to give it up until I at least opened the book, so I opened to a random page and just let my eyes kind of settle on the words...but then I actually started reading the words. And reading, And reading, And reading. 

Man, I was hooked. And when my friend finally had to ask for her book back, I had half a mind to just smuggle it into my purse and take it home with me.

And honestly I don't know why I was so hooked. The poems are short, to the point, and accompanied with simple little doodles on the page that kinda remind me of Shel Silverstein.
But then I realized that her poems, despite the simplicity of them, were seriously profound. And relatable.  

Many people say that Kaur is a feminist poet and I can see where they're coming from, but don't let that scare you off. All the poems have an encouraging feel that I think everybody can relate to, but especially women.

Check out her Instagram here for more information about her and her poems.